HRB Choreography Project with BCH Student Recital
Ballet Center of Houston will hold its annual recital in conjunction with Houston Repertoire Ballet’s Choreography Project on Saturday, May 17, 2025. Performance times depending on your dancer’s class.
Participation in the recital is not mandatory, but highly encouraged!
(Classes perform in only one performance except for Levels 9 and 10)
Please read all of the information below in the drop-down menu before clicking this RSVP link!
Invite your family and friends to attend our end of the year event! There are no tickets. Seating is open (not reserved). There is no charge to attend.
Feel free to share the image below. Be sure to let your guests know which performance time to attend and to come 30 minutes in advance!
Saturday, May 17 2025
Performance Times: 2:00 and 5:00pm
Location: Cypress Visual and Performing Arts Center
11420 Matzke Rd.
Cypress, TX 77429
Near Hwy 290 and Telge Rd
Your dancer should check in at the call time dressed class attire with their hair and makeup completed.
See this diagram for details on where to check-in and out your dancer.
You will be given a color-coded and numbered ticket when checking in your dancer. This MUST be brought to check-out to pick up your child. ONE parent only in the check-out area.
Call Times depend on your dancer’s class.
NOTE: “Call Time” is the time your child must check in at the security desk with their class attire on, hair and stage makeup done in accordance with the videos/instructions in the Parent Recital Contract below!
You must arrive promptly at the correct call time to ensure your dancer is in time for their rehearsal. This is your child’s only opportunity to practice on the very large stage. The dress rehearsal is essential for a dancer to feel comfortable with performing. You should expect to be at the theatre for approx. 1 hour for the rehearsal.
Below find your dancer’s level, class day/time, and dance teacher to find your Call Time.
Pre-Ballet Classes
- Pre-ballet Mon – Ms. Rachel
- Call: 8:30 am
- Pre-ballet Wed – Ms. Kristy
- Call: 9:30am
- Pre-ballet Fri – Ms Rachel
- Call: 11:00am
- Pre-ballet Sat 9am – Ms. Sarah
- Call: 11:30am
- Pre-ballet Sat 10am – Ms. Sarah
- Call: 10:30am
Level K Classes
- Level K Mon – Ms. Rachel
- Call: 8:00am
- Level K Thu- Ms. Kristy
- Call: 8:30am
- Level K Sat – Ms. Kristy
- Call: 11:00am
Older Beginner
- Older Beginner Mon/Sat – Mr. Ian & Ms. Kristy
- Call: 8:00am
Level 1 Classes
- Level 1 Tue – Ms. Kristy
- Call: 10:30am
- Level 1 Wed – Ms Kristy
- Call: 10:00am
- Level 1 Fri – Ms. Kristy
- Call: 8:00am
- Level 1 Sat – Ms. Kristy
- Call: 12:00noon
Level 2 Classes
- Level 2 Mon – Ms. Kristy
- Call: 9:00am
- Level 2 Tues – Ms. Kristy
- Call: 11:00am
- Level 2 Thu – Ms. Amanda
- Call: 9:30am
- Level 2 Fri – Ms. Rachel
- Call: 12:00noon
Level 3 Classes
- Level 3 Mon(Fri) – Ms. Kristy
- Call: 8:30am
- Level 3 Tue(Thu) – Ms. Kristy
- Call: 11:00am
Level 4 Classes
- Level 4 (Tue)Thu – Ms. Amanda
- Call: 9:00am
- Level 4 (Wed)Fri – Ms. Kristy
- Call: 11:30am
Level 5
- Call: 8:00am
Level 6
- Call: 9:45am
Level 7
- Call: 7:00am
Level 8
- Call: 9:45am
Levels 9 and 10
- Call: 7:00am
NOTE: “Call Time” is the time your child must check in at the security desk with their costume on, hair and stage makeup done in accordance with the videos/instructions in the Parent Recital Contract below!
Performance Times: 2:00 and 5:00pm (Performance Call time – 30 minutes prior)
2:00-3:15 Performance (Call Time: 1:30)
- Pre-ballet Mon – Ms. Rachel
- Pre-ballet Wed – Ms. Kristy
- Level K Mon – Ms. Rachel
- Level K Thu – Ms. Kristy
- Older Beginner Mon/Sat – Ms. Kristy
- Level 1 Wed – Ms. Kristy
- Level 1 Tues – Ms. Kristy
- Level 2 Mon – Ms. Kristy
- Level 2 Thu – Ms. Amanda
- Level 3 Mon(Fri) – Ms. Kristy
- Level 4 (Tue) Thurs – Ms. Amanda
- Level 5 Ballet and Level 5 Modern
- Level 7 Ballet and Level 7 Modern
- Levels 9 and 10 (Choreography pieces)
- Level 9/10 Modern
5:00-6:15 Performance (Call Time: 4:30)
- Pre-ballet Sat 9am – Ms. Sarah–
- Pre-ballet Sat 10am – Ms. Sarah
- Pre-ballet Fri – Ms. Rachel
- Level K Sat – Ms. Kristy
- Boy’s Class Sat – Mr. Ian
- Level 1 Fri – Ms. Kristy
- Level 1 Sat – Ms. Kristy
- Level 2 Tue – Ms. Kristy
- Level 2 Fri – Ms. Rachel
- Level 3 Tue(Thu) – Ms. Kristy
- Level 4 (Wed) Fri – Ms. Kristy
- Level 6 Ballet and Level 6 Modern
- Level 8 Ballet and Level 8 Modern
- Levels 9 and 10 (Choreography pieces)
“Performance Time” is the time your dancer’s performance begins.
Parents and guests should arrive at the theatre to be seated 30 MINUTES prior to the performance time!!
- Performance Time: 2:00pm
- Performance Time: 5:00pm
The Cypress Visual and Performing Arts Center has a Clear Bag Policy. Please alert your guests! (This does not apply to dancers and volunteer parents entering through the Dancer Entrance Door #8)
Volunteer to be a backstage parent!! You will need to be there for both the Dress Rehearsal and the Performance. Click this Link to Volunteer!
Here is what to expect…
Be about 10 minutes early for your DRESS REHEARSAL call time. (Same day but earlier in the day!)
- Check-in
- Go directly to the check-in tables at Door #8. There will be a clipboard there for you with the class roster on it. Check in your students as they arrive. You will be directed to the backstage holding room when your entire class has arrived.
- Line up your dancers according to the list on your clipboard.
- When called bring the dancers side stage, remain with them, then bring them back to the check-out area.
Be about 10 minutes early for your PERFORMANCE call time (which is 30 minutes prior to the performance time)
- Check-in
- Go directly to the check-in at Door #8. There will be a clipboard there for you with the class roster on it. Check in your students as they arrive. You will be directed to the backstage holding room when your entire class has arrived.
- Backstage Holding Room
- Each class will have a designated spot to sit in the backstage holding room. Depending on the age of your class — come prepared!! You will have about 1.5 hours backstage with your group. This may feel long or short depending on how prepared you are. You may bring some small games, books, or other items to occupy your group. Please no markers, crayons, pens, pencils. If you bring an iPad for a movie, it must be rated G. No other ratings allowed.
- Bathroom — everyone needs to tinkle when they get nervous! Be sure to bring your class to the bathroom prior to their performance if necessary. Be careful of your timing – the recital will run quickly – dances are only about 2-3 minutes long! Your main responsibilities are to keep your class calm, under control, quiet, and safe — and on time, on stage for their dance! Please do not try to “coach” or instruct the dancers during this time that is the job of the teacher.
- Hair and Make-up
- If you have a dancer that needs help with hair and makeup, we have a team to help. There will be a table station for this. Please ask one of the volunteers where to take the child. (Note: a few parents of pre-ballet students have requested that their child not wear makeup so be careful about adding makeup to students)
- Stage
- When your class is called, you will bring them into the hall (line up the dancers according to the directions on your clipboard) and then onto side stage. Each class teacher will be on hand to help direct the students. You will go to the exit side of the stage to watch from that view, or you have the option to enter the theatre to watch from the audience.
- When they come off stage you will walk them back to the holding room. For performance, wait until you are called to go the checkout point.
- Pick up
- Parents will come to collect their children. Stay with your group until all of your dancers are picked up! Check them off on the roster as they are released to the parent. Do NOT let students wander away without a parent! When all the class is picked up, return your clipboard to one of the security team. Thank you again for volunteering!!
We have multiple opportunities for you to celebrate your dancer on recital day! Please let family members and guests know about these before the big day! All proceeds benefit Houston Repertoire Ballet (our affiliated non-profit performance company).
HRB Gift Shop 8:30am-6:45pm
The gift shop offers a large variety of fun ballet related gifts for your dancer. Sparkly ballet related jewelry items, adorable plush toys decked out in tutus, dancer hand-drawn art note cards, and more! Shop during rehearsal time and before and after the performances in the VPAC lobby area.
As a reminder, with your recital participation fee, you will receive a video download link of the event. This video can be downloaded and shared! There is no need to try to video during the event. Our professional videographer will capture your lasting memories so sit back, relax, and enjoy the performance. Please share this information with friends and family. Phones and cameras should be stowed away, no photography or videoing allowed!
By your payment of the recital fee you are affirming that you have read and agree to the following.
- I affirm that the spelling of my child’s name in my parent portal is correct and understand that this is how it will appear in the recital program.
- I agree to be on time at the theatre for the dress rehearsal prior to the performance.
- I understand that my dancer will need to be dressed in their SoDanca class leotard, SoDanca pink tights (according to the dress code), pink ballet shoes (or for boys, white shirt, black tights or borrowed jazz pants, and black ballet shoes) for both the dress rehearsal and performance.
- I agree to watch the videos regarding hair and makeup above and to have my dancer’s hair and makeup done as described for BOTH the rehearsal and the performance.
- I will have a cover-up on my child when they report to the theatre. Note that the backstage area can be very cold at times!
- I understand that two parents are needed backstage for each ballet class. If I am not one of the Backstage Parents, I am not allowed beyond the Security Desk.
- I understand that I will check in my child at Door #8 at the rear of the building with the HRB/BCH security team and will send only 1 parent to pick up the child at the same security desk.
- I understand that my dancer(s) will be backstage during the entire performance and cannot be released in advance.
- I agree to be a courteous audience member by remaining in my seat the entire performance, NOT taking pictures or videoing, putting my phone away, and NOT bringing food or drink into the theatre.
- I understand that if I wish my child to watch the other performance, they will change into appropriate street clothes to enter the auditorium.
- I agree to add to my contact list to help ensure that I am receiving all of the communication from Ballet Center of Houston
Invite your family and friends to come see the show.
Tickets are not sold for this show. Seating is open-seating on first-come first-serve basis.
Guests should arrive 30 min before the performance start time.
Please tell your guest:
- Fill in the center of the rows
- Do not save seats
- Do not leave empty seats between people
- No photography or videography throughout the performance
- Silence phone and all devices
- No food or drink in the theater
- No leaving seats during the performance
We normally do professional photography on our full costume years.
Costume Fee: There is no costume fee for 2025. Dancers will wear Conservatory Dress for this performance. (Class attire plus skirts that BCH provides)
Recital Fee: This will be posted to your account in February and due no later than February 20, 2025
Recital fees are charged in order that you may invite your family and friends to attend without paying for admission tickets. This fee offsets the expense of theater rental, programs, and the production costs associated with presenting a professional recital performance. A professional videographer will be filming the performances and a free digital download link is included in your recital fee.
No student will be allowed to perform in the recital unless all tuition and recital fees are paid in full.
All students Levels Pre-Ballet through Level 10 are subject to the recital fee.
1st Child $ 85.00
2nd Child $ 25.00
3rd Child $ 15.00