Class Attire
ALL leotards and tights must be the required SoDanca style indicated in the appropriate class color. NO underwear under the tights and leotard. Tights act as an appropriate undergarment. NO shorts or skirts allowed over leotard in class. See below for recommended local vendors.
Pre-ballet & Level K –
SoDanca SL09 Lilac Leotard, SoDanca TS73 or TS81 “ballet pink” tights, full sole leather pink ballet shoes. Note: this is a tank style leotard.
Level 1 & 2 –
SoDanca SL03 Light Blue Leotard, SoDanca TS73 or TS81 “ballet pink” tights, full sole leather pink ballet shoes.
Older Beginner, Levels 3, 4 –
SoDanca SL03 (SL02 adult sz) Celestine Blue Leotard, SoDanca TS95 or TS96 “theatrical pink” convertible, back-seamed mesh tights, full sole pink ballet shoes.
Note: Shoe recommendation for Pre-ballet – Level 4: SoDanca SD69S or SD69L full sole leather (no drawstrings).
Level 5 –
SoDanca SL03 or SL02 Dark Purple, SoDanca TS95 or TS96 “theatrical pink” convertible, back-seamed mesh tights, pink leather ballet shoes.
SoDanca SL115 or SL116 Burgundy Leotard, SoDanca TS95 or TS96 “theatrical pink” convertible, back-seamed mesh tights, pink leather ballet shoes. (HRB Company members must have the HRB logo added at Dance Trends. Leotards must be purchased at Dance Trends for the logo to be added.)
Level 8, 9, & 10 – NEW STYLE LEOTARD
SoDanca SL115 or SL116 Black Leotard, SoDanca TS95 or TS96 “theatrical pink” convertible, back-seamed mesh tights, pink leather ballet shoes. Tutus are allowed in Variations class or appropriate HRB rehearsals only. (HRB Company members must have the HRB logo added at Dance Trends. Leotards must be purchased at Dance Trends for the logo to be added.)
Note: Shoe recommendation for Level 5-10: SoDanca SD60S or SD60L full leather, split sole (no drawstrings).
Boys Ballet
Pre-Ballet through Level 5 –
White T-shirts, black tights (with dance belt) or black shorts w/ white socks, black leather ballet shoes. Note: Black tights are highly preferred over shorts as soon as the dancer is ready.
Level 6 through Level 10 –
White T-shirts, black tights with dance belt, black leather ballet shoes.
Modern Attire
Class leotard, black fitted leggings alone or over pink convertible tights, bare feet. No shorts, no baggy pants or sweat pants. Hair in bun.
Students in Pre-Ballet & Level K students must wear their hair pulled away from their face, preferably in a bun. Students in Level 1 through Level 10 (including Older Beginner Ballet) must have their hair in a bun. No exceptions! Level 1 -10 students will not be allowed into class without their hair up.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
The Woods Private School
The Woods at Cedar Point
Dress code for the above schools is school clothes (with shorts under any skirts) plus full sole leather ballet shoes – pink for girls, black for boys
Cypress Montessori
Seedlings Montessori
Dress code for the above schools is below:
Girls: SoDanca SL09 tank style Lilac Leotard, SoDanca TS73 or TS81 “ballet pink” tights, full sole leather pink ballet shoes.
Boys: Black shorts/white t-shirt, white socks, black ballet flats
Note: students wear ballet uniform under their school clothes to arrive at school on ballet class days
My Quest Montessori
Kid’s World Learning Center
Montessori Preschool at Copperfield
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School
Silverline Montessori
Dress code for the above schools is street clothes plus full sole leather ballet shoes – ballet pink for girls, black for boys

Ballet dress code: why does it matter?
We love this article posted by Ballet Foundation! Well said by this organization in Plano, Texas regarding ballet dress code and its importance. Dress Code: